It takes conscious effort to create scaled-up models based on present-day reality. It is more like building bridges, where we start at one abutment and create a path towards the head, with the knowledge that the other side exists. An innovator may not always create something completely new, rather S/he may do something very differently or at a different scale altogether. But always within the realm of possibility.
Exploring disruptive thinking
Humans stand out from other living entities in their ability to think beyond. The word “beyond” originates from an old English word “begeondan” which means the “far side” or “other side”. “Thinking beyond” is differentiated from dreaming and could be just a leap of imagination rather than having its roots in reality “Thinking beyond” takes conscious effort to create scaled-up models based on present-day reality. It is more like building bridges. between the known and the unknown, based on a rational understanding of the environment. An innovator may not always create something completely new, rather She may do something very differently or at a different scale altogether within the realm of possibility.
An investor forecasting his returns based on knowledge of the markets, a parent planning his child’s upbringing based on socioeconomic capabilities, and an architect creating designs based on his client’s needs are all “thinking beyond.” We always “think beyond” to grow, but primarily to serve our personal interests and stay within the boundaries of our immediate knowledge base.
Testing the mettle
Very few of us dare to test our limits with uncertain global visions and act purely on logic, without any prior evidence of success. The leap is not a spontaneous act. Rather it requires an exhaustive understanding of the world and meticulous planning to avoid unforeseen risks. It is these acts of “thinking beyond” that have the potential to make a disruptive impact on society. The timeline of human societies is sparsely garnished with developmental events when someone thought beyond and acted upon their rational models. These events are responsible for the phenomenal growth of the human race.
Studies and research
Some citable examples to demonstrate this grow th could be humans discovering their ability to make a sea voyage in 3000 BC, [1] our first attempt at flight on a mechanical device in the 1700s, [2] administering the first vaccine in 1798, [3] Yuri taking his first flight into space in 1961,[4] and of course Turing presenting his Bombe in 1940.[5] Today, humanity is once again at the cusp of moving beyond. Each year, our visionaries are shaping new realities in the domains of artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, space travel, and even the colonization of celestial worlds. One domain that was left unattended for a very long time and only now receiving the much-deserved center stage is our earth’s life-shielding environment. It is high time that organizations and individuals moved beyond the status quo caused by economic interests driving the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Disruptive innovations
It is here that we at SAMTA group are entrenched and determined to go beyond conventional economic interests. Our group entities are already making a visible impact in the fields of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, responsible mining, and equitable nurturing of human minds. We now intend to venture beyond the conventionally polluting industry materials through our in-house, spin-off Proto9 materials. Proto9 is specifically tasked to think beyond and generate disruptive product lines. The team is committed to delivering industrial innovations that combine a high sustainability quotient with superior performance. The innovation talent at Proto9 is endowed with insights from material sciences, nanotechnology, and industrial chemistry. Proto9’s product portfolio focuses on improving fuel utilization, conserving mineral resources, and preserving human health. Further, as in H.E. Luccock’s words, “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” Therefore, we count on the best support of our readers, partners, and well-wishers to enable Proto9 to reach beyond.